Artist Statement: “Every year I take a lot of reference snapshots of Arkansas that I add to an ever-growing archive. Many of the images are useless but a few remind me of things I saw as a kid in Southeastern Arkansas. Some even seem iconic to me, expressing something about the geography we call home.
So I work on these pictures...drawing the scenes until I think I can do something worthwhile. These photos evoke memories in me. I want to bring these memories back. At times, the memories could be about the sunlight on a particular day...the sky in December...the thunderheads boiling up over a field.
I call this show BEYOND THE PHOTOGRAPHS because the ideas for most paintings come from a snapshot. As I work up the painting, I have to expand the visual information in order to make it work. One thing I almost always do is to look into the shadows so I can understand what is hidden and bring those things into view. The photos are what I start with but they are not what I finish with.
I intentionally take snapshots because I don’t want to copy a wonderfully detailed photo. My goal is to take the visual information and build it up into the world I remember seeing last year or even when I was just a kid.”—Daniel Coston
BEYOND THE PHOTOGRAPHS opened March 11 2016 at Cantrell Gallery in Little Rock, Arkansas, and continued through May 7th, 2016.